Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Research on Ancient Rome

Fashion in Rome
Underneath men wore a lioncloth. This is the only underwear they bother with and it's generally kept on at night. Over the top they wore a simple tunic. The tunic is deisigned to hang slightly at the back than the front ,which ends at the knees. Outside,they wore cloaks.
Women also wore simple underwear with a plain tunic on top. Over that they wore a long dress called a Stola. These are plain too,although women wore stoles of silk in dazzling shades including red ,blue ,yellow and purple.

The Colosseum:
Getting in and out:
There are 80 entrance arches ,all numebred expect for the four main entrances. Free tickets are given out in the morning. Each ticket has a number which matches an arch. You enter through the arch that has the same number as your ticket. Only men are allowed to sit in the first two Cavea. Women must sit above them , seprated by a wall. Behind the women is the outer wall where the standing room is and the slaves sit.

Don't let the number of people overwhelm you. The building can be evacutated in ten minutes. There is seating for 50,000.
It's divided into three; the arena, the podium and the cavea. Under the arena are cages where the animals are stored. There is hidden door that releases the animals.

The podium is a broad terrace on top of the arena wall. The best spot is reserved for the Emperor. other seats are taken by the Senators and foreign ambassadors. The cavea is divided into three tiers of seats seperated by landings, reached by staircases and 160 passages.

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