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Listen to this interview about the Microsoft Innovative Teachers' Forum in Hong Kong. This interview was recorded on Tuesday 11th of November 2008 on TippFM Radio.
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Interview with TippFm Radio
Religion Exam 2008
Today Father Joe Tynan came to visit our school for our religion exam. First he went to the junior room. After first break he came into our room. We started talking about our Alive-O and our favourite stories in it. Most of us said "Jacobs Stone" was our favourite. Then we started talking about saints. An example is Saint Patrick. He lived in Wales and was kidnapped by pirates and brought to Ireland. He was told to stay on a hill and watch animals. Somtimes he was so hungry he ate animal food. He was rescued and went back to Wales. Then he had a dream that told him to go to Ireland. So he did and he bainished all the snakes and told them about God. Then before he left we sang a few songs like 'Go now in Peace', 'I know this story' and 'Peace will Come'. He left at half twelve. It was great fun. We would like to thank Father Joe Tynan and we hope to see him agian soon!
By B612.