Wednesday, May 28, 2008



Grille méthodologique:

* Les objectifs:

*Je présente la météo

La présentatrice météo est partie en vacances, elle vous demande de préparer le bulletin du jour à sa place.
Elle vous laisse un mot pour vous donner des conseils

Cher(e)s ami(e)s,

Je m’absente pour quelques jours et j’aimerais que vous me remplaciez aujourd’hui pour présenter la météo...
Je vous guiderai dans toutes les étapes...

Prêt(e)s? Alors suivez le guide...

Marche à suivre:

Etape 1: Que que fait un présentateur météo?

Regardez comment je travaille tous les jours...
Visualisez le bulletin météo et prenez des notes sur la pratique du presentateur météo.
Aidez-vous pour cela de la fiche “présentateur”

Etape 2: Orientez-vous

Afin de vous orientez et de connaître un peu plus la géographie de la France, je vous propose de visualiser la carte météorologique de France à cette adresse:

Vous pouvez maintenant repérer 5 des grandes villes de France sur la carte: Lille, Paris, Lyon, Marseille et Bordeaux.

La boussole est l’outil d’orientation que nous utilisons en météorolgie pour connaitre les points cardinaux.

N = (au) NORD
NE = (au) NORD-EST
E = (à l’) EST
SE = (au) SUD-EST
S= (au) SUD
O = ( à l’) OUEST

A l’aide de la boussole ci-dessus et de la légende, dites où se situent ces 5 villes en France.

EX: Strasbourg est au Nord-Est de la France....

Etape 3: Quel temps fait-il?

Maintenant que vous pouvez vous repérer sur la carte de France, découvrez le vocabulaire du temps.

Faites les exercices suivants
JMAtch (Temps, saisons)

Etape 4: Allons plus loin...

Bien. A ce stade vous êtes capables de présenter le temps, mais afin de préparer au mieux votre bulletin météo, je vous conseille d’étudier les définitions des mots suivants sur ce site.
En effet, le métier de présentatrice requiert un vocabulaire spécifique, celui de la météorologie.
Anticyclone, averse, air, brouillard, gelée, orage, perturbation, précipitations, températures, traine, vent

Testez vos connaissances maintenant:
Jquiz (le termes de la meteo)

Tâche finale: Je fais la pluie et le beau temps.
(utilisation d’un rétroprojecteur)

Vous voici prêts à pésenter la météo.

Retournez voir la carte de France à cette adresse (

et préparez pour votre classe le bulletin météo. Vous préparerez, à l’écrit tout d’abord vos prévisions (10 minutes), puis présenterez à l’ensemble de la classe.
N’oubliez pas l”éphéméride:

Cette présentation nécessite que vous vous impliquiez physiquement : montrez les régions, (Nord-Est..), les villes...
Aidez-vous de la fiche météo.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Translating 'Le Petit Prince'

Today we are translating our 'Little Prince' Script into Irish. It is our plan to make the film in three languages, English, Irish and French. Perrine, our French teacher has translated the script into French but we are doing the Irish translation ourselves. You can see us working hard on our script in the photos.

Friday, May 23, 2008

First Holy Communion

Last Saturday we had First Holy Communion in our school. It was in Mullinahone church. The three girls in second class made it.They all looked very pretty in their dresses.Some of the other children in school came to the mass and sang lovely songs in the choir. It was a lovely day. Some of the girls went back to their houses to have a party with their family and friends. We would all like to say a big thank you to Mrs. Brett for all her hard work preparing the children for First Holy Communion.

By Gigi

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Congrats to Shane McGrath

Congratulations to Tipperary hurler Shane McGrath who was named the Vodafone GAA All Stars Player of the Month for April.
Shane visited us in the school a couple of months ago with GPO Johhny Cummins. The photo above is of the Senior Room during a training session with Shane.
He was presented with his award at a reception in Dublin’s Westbury Hotel by GAA President Nickey Brennan.
Midfielder McGrath was instrumental in Tipp’s run to League glory and is seen as one of the most promising young players in the game. The Ballinahinch club man starred as Liam Sheedy’s men outscored Ger Loughnane’s Galway in a thrilling league final in Limerick in April.

Our Garden

Today we went out to the garden and planted some cabbage heads. We all worked together to plant them and to also water them. Mrs.Brett brought them in to day.
Mrs.Brett`s class and us shared the cabbage heads. The teacher took pictures of us digging holes to put them into. This is us!

Babe- Character from the Sheep Pig By Dick King Smith

We have read the novel The Sheep Pig by Dick King Smith in class. We read this book because when Ms. O' Connell went to Croatia for the Microsoft Innovative Forum she brought our school mascot Piggley with her. Piggley is a pig from the cartoon Jakers.
When he was in Croatia Piggley met the Saltash school mascot (a hen)! Saltash is a secondary school in England. They have a web cam set up and you can see the hens and pigs that they are rearing on their school farm.

We wrote Character Profiles about Babe today. This was written by B612:
Babe is a pig. He got separated from his mom at a young age. Babe's best friend is Fly. Babe wants to become a sheep pig but every body thinks he crazy. Babe's other friend is Mr Hogget. He also likes a sheep called Maa until she was killed by a dog. Babe still thinks he can be a sheep pig and still be nice to sheep.
I like Babe because he is a cool pig and because he believes in himself and doesn't let others down. I also like him because he doesn't give up.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Aeroplane Project

When an aeroplane climbs (gains altitude),it has a nose-up altitude.This means that the nose of the plane is higher than the tail.Picture an airplane just after take off, as it climbs into the sky. The attitude of the plane,weather nose-up or nose down is called pitch.Pitch is controlled by the elevator,which is a horizontal surface located at the tail of an airplane.Airplanes also use ailerons to help control direction.Ailrons are located on the rear edge of each wing and can move up and down.When the airplane turns,the left and right ailrons move in opposite directions.One moves up the other moves down.Ailrons cause an aircraft to tilt to the left or right you have no doubt experinced this if you have ever been a passenger on an airplane.This left/right tilting moting is called roll.How is an airplane steared? Cars are steared by simply pointing the front wheels in the direction you wish to turn.Boats have a rudder at their stern or backend which controls their direction of movement.Like boats,airplanes also have rudders. The rudder is located at the end of the aircraft.The rudder is vertical and has a side-to-side motion that "stears" the aircraft to the left or right.This left/right steering motion is referred to as you.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

On the way back from the Roboshow

On our way back from the Roboshow we went to Mcdonalds in Carlow.We were hungry.It took a long time to get to Mcdonalds. When we got there we all finished our happy meals really fast.We got toys there too.The girls got a fairy cd rom and a little fairy toy. The boys got a dragon cd rom and dragon cards.
Then when we were driving through Callan we stopped at Callan park. We all went running in. We all climbed onto the roundabout. The boys pushed it and they jumped on. It went really fast.Half the boys fell off! Then we went on the tight rope. It was scary.We also went on the slide. It was really high.
Some of my friends went on the see-saw and the swings .
It was really good fun.
We had to be back in the schoolfor 6 o'clock so went back to the bus and drove back to school. We left our lego in and left it on the tables. We were proud of ourselves and all our hard work up at the Roboshow and we can't wait till next year!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Roboshow 2008 St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra

On Tuesday the 13th of May I got up at 6:15am and ate my breakfast got dressed and packed my bag because kilvemnon school was going to the Roboshow. The Roboshow is where we show off our LEGO Models. Once we got there we set up our stand. After that we waited until all the other schools were there and with our groups we went and looked at other models. I was with Smiley, The Rose, Danan and Sparkey.We saw a town and robots and an Irish explorer and hydraulic lifts and lots of other models then after that we were on our stand talking about our plane project. It was fun telling other people about our models and then once we finished that we went and looked at other models again. Then we went with the other schools and got our award. Then we went and looked at others models. Once we left we had our lunch on the pitch and played soccer. It was great fun. Once I was on the at the stand I told them about the Control Tower and what it did like help the pilot land and clears them for landing. I told them how long it took to build the airport and lifts. I also told them what the lifts were for. I really enjoyed it.

By B612

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Airport

Name of model:
The airport
2 Timeframe of construction:

Team Involved:
B612 and The Rose

Shorty, Red Baron and Jimsey

Initial idea:
They were all building planes and we wanted to build something different so we asked could we build an airport.

We changed the runway and move the shop because it would not sit. I want to move the toy shop because I don’t like were it is, it is too small.

Changes in the future:
We want to build a toy shop and move the control tower. I want to move the playground because I think that it is not right there.

We did not programme yet. I want the control tower to spin and the light to flash. I learned a lot from all the other models that people have built. I really like the Wright Brothers plane that Red Baron built. I also like the plane Ranldo

and wolf built.

Red Baron:Wright brothers 1903 flyer

Name of model:
The Wright Brothers 1903 flyer

Timeframe of construction:
About 12 sessions of LEGO

Team involved:
Only meR

Batman, Jimsey and Past Pupil

Initial idea:
I got the idea of doing the Wright brothers flyer from doing research of the Wright brothers and I found it really interesting. We looked at videos of the plane in flight, it was animated though. I found it interesting learning about how they were bicycle engineers and that they used to make gliders before the engine powered plane. They became interested in flight when they were young. Their father who was a bishop brought them a type of thin that flew by an elastic band. You would twist the rotor blades on top and let go and the blades would spin around making the thing fly.

I had to change a few things. I built the plane in a way but it didn’t exactly work so I tried something else and that didn’t work. One day I asked Past pupil if he could give me a hand so he helped me with I and we did a thing with gears to work the front part of the plane and sadly that did not work either but eventually we found the right idea and we used pulleys with the elastic bands and it worked so that was good. In the back of the plane it wasn’t hard at all and the first thing we did worked. After a few more LEGO sessions Miss O’Connell saw that the motor wasn’t in the right place and it looked wrong where it was, so I moved it.

Changes in the future:
I am not sure what changes I will have in the future and hopefully I won’t have to make any changes. I will be making the Wright brothers flyer out of lollipop sticks with Danny and a few other people so I am looking to that.

The programming on my plane is not so complicated, the plane just goes 0.2 seconds one way and 0.2 seconds the other way and repeats a few more times. The programming on a model is when you can make the plane do what you want and it is controlled by the RCX which is connected to a motor by a wire and the motor spins. You use the computer to program the RCX. An RCX is a control unit that is specially designed for LEGO MINDSTORMS.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Batman: luggage carrier

Name of model:
Luggage Carrier
Time frame of construction:
Five-six weeks

Team involved:
Danan and I

Red Baron, Shorty and Ranaldo

Initial Idea:
At the start I was building a tractor until Ms. O’Connell told us we were doing a plane project, so I changed it to a luggage carrier. I learned about carriers and they transport luggage to the plane. For safety people must their names and addresses on them. I built one trailer on it and it runs by one motor.

The adaptations will be to maybe add more to it. We are adding a touch sensor. This works by putting your model in front of a wall or book and when the model hits it the sensor tells the car to go back or forward. Sarah and I might add some lights to it as well.

Changes in the future:
Danan and I are thinking of adding a second trailer. I will put some coloured bricks in the second trailer to make it look like luggage. I was thinking of having a mini number plate on the front.

Danan and I will make our carrier go forward for three seconds. Then use the touch sensor to make it go back for three seconds, and then it will stop and beep twice.

B612: Hydraulic lift

Name of my model:
Hydraulic lift.

Timeframe of construction:
2-3 months.

Team involved:
Matilda,Red Baron and I.

Smiley and The Rose.

Initial ideas:
Well at first we wanted something to lift the planes up. Then Miss O Connell showed us the Hydraulic lifts on the computer and we raised our hands and teacher gave us the job. We had to make it by following steps on the computer. I thought making it was brilliant but at the same time it was hard. I still enjoyed making it.

Well at first it kept on breaking so we had to take it apart and we had to make everything stronger. It was really hard. We had to get extra LEGO pieces and then we had to stick them together with flat pieces. It was still fun.

Changes in the future:
I don’t think we will make any changes but we might have to make it even sturdier. It won’t be easy in the future or even now to try and make it sturdier. But all of us will try our best and will hopefully succeed.

All we need to make it do is, go up and down.

Ronaldo: The Spitfire

Name of model:
The Spitfire.
Timeframe of construction:
6 days.

Jimsey, Sparky, lynx and Shorty.

Initial idea:
We got our idea for the plane from the plane project that we are doing in school.
We looked at pictures of planes that John Thompson sent us. Patrick and I built 4 planes.

We changed the wings and the whole plane, because our last one was too big and the wings kept falling.

Changes in the future:
We are planning to make it a bit better than it is right now. By fixing the body of it and making it more stable.

We programmed it to go forward, back, forward, back and stop.

Roboshow: Hydraulic Lift

Timeframe of construction:
We are not finished it yet but so far it took us 6 months.

Name: Matilda
Name of my model:
My model is a lift.

Team involved:
B612 and I are building it.

Ronaldo, Smiley and The Rose also helped.

Initial idea:
Well our idea was to build a lift so that we could put it under a platform and then the planes would go onto the platform and it would look like they were flying.

We had to build another lift so now we have two lifts. We also had to make them stronger so we added some more bricks and made it stronger. We are not finished making the second one stronger yet but we will get to it. We also have to build another plane but this time it has to be really light because all the others are too heavy. They all have motors and a lot of bricks on them.

Changes in the future:
In the future I will have to build a new plane to go on the platform. This plane will have to be light with no motor. I will also have to make the other lift stronger.

I haven’t yet programmed the lift but I hope to make it go non-stop up and down.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Preparation for the Roboshow

We are getting ready for the Roboshow in St. Pats in Drumcondra on Tuesday 13th of May next. Here are some of the models we have made for our Airport theme. In this photo you can see the Airport we have built, some of the aeroplanes that are taxiing on the runway and our Control Tower. The top of the Tower rotates and lights up. We will be posting more about our models soon!!

We found this piece on the Digital Schools Website: (We are the only Digital School in County Tipperary.)

10th Annual RoboShow
Come and meet Ireland’s future designers, engineers and programmers at the 10th Annual Empowering Minds RoboShow.
This event takes place on Tuesday 13th May 2008 in the main Auditorium in St Patrick’s College Drumcondra and is open to the public from 11 am to 1pm.
The RoboShow is the premier showcase for the Empowering Minds community and allows children (aged 7 – 13 years) and their teachers share the innovative projects they have been constructing over the course of the school year. The children engage in multi-disciplinary cross-curricular learning and make extensive use of a range of digital technologies to build these exciting and imaginative projects.
The project started in 1998 with 4 schools initially and has grown to include schools in Dublin, Kildare, Sligo, Laois, Tipperary, Louth, Kilkenny, Cork and Roscommon. It is anticipated that schools from other regions will soon become part of the ever expanding Empowering Minds community.

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In the Newspapers Today!

We have appeared in 3 newspapers, The Nationalist, The South Tipp Today and The Tipperary Star. We are in the newspaper for going to Shannon Airport and Foynes Air Museum.The article was written by Batman and B612. We were all very happy to be in the newspaper once again.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A trip to Reading by one of our students

Shane Long

At Christmas I got a Shane Long jersey that was signed and my Dad organised with Shane Long’s mother that we would go over and see Reading play and that we would see Shane afterwards. My Dad was friends with Shane Longs father. So on the 17th of March I went to Dublin airport to fly off to England to see Reading play Manchester City. My Dad and I met my cousins in the airport and before we left to get on the plane I met Packie Bonner, the former Irish goalkeeper. When we were flying over London my cousin ***** and I were looking out the window to try and see all the soccer stadiums and we saw Chelsea’s stadium “Stamford Bridge”.
The next morning ***** and I got all set up for the match and we couldn’t wait, we were really excited. We got on the bus to the Madjeski stadium and it was huge. First we went into the shop and I got the Reading goalkeeper jersey. After the shopping we went to the entrance to the pitch and met Shane Long’s Mam and she gave us the tickets. We got to our seats and started to watch the match. Shane was starting and came close a few times and then in the 63rd minute Doyle crossed the ball in and Shane kicked it straight passed the keeper. Every Reading fan in the stadium went cracked including ***** and I.
Shane was taken off before the end of the match and Kitson was brought on and after five minutes he dribbled past around three people and hit the back of the net, myself and my cousins must have brought the team good luck!! The game ended 2-0. After the match we met Graeme Murty (a player for Reading) and I got his autograph and after around half an hour Shane came out and we all gave him a standing ovation. We got his autograph. I got Shane to sign my Ireland jersey and the school jersey. Shane offered us a lift back with him to our hotel.
On our way to the car three girls asked him for his autograph and then his girlfriend asked us to come to the car, and we got into this little Audi sports car. When we were driving off the three girls were just staring in at us. Shane asked us a few things like where we were from and a few other things but almost all I could say was “yeah” I was so gob smacked to be in the same car as my favourite footballer.
There is no doubt that it was the best holiday ever.

By: Red Barron

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Religion Exam 2008

Today we are being visited by Fr. Coffey for our Religion Exam. We will examined on our Alive O songs and prayers and we have worked very hard to learn them all!
We have a Religion copy that we use every week to record our progress.
We know all of our prayers in Irish. The Hail Mary is:

'Se do bheatha a Mhuire:
'Se do bheatha a Mhuire, Ata lan do grasta,
Ta an Tiarna leat.
Is beannaithe thu idir mhna, agus is beannaithe toradh do bhroinne, Iosa.
A Naomh Mhuire, a mhathair De, Gui orainn, na peacaigh.
Anois agus ar uair ar mbais.
By Batman

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Irish air corps

The royal corps had a much better warlike force then the representatives of number 2 squadron in their flimsy machines but they were still hammered by the Fokker scourge. So it was dcided the R.F.C should be expanded urgently to 106 service squadrons and 97 squadrons. This called fo lots of more training aerodromes both in Britain and Ireland. The man picked to chose the suitable areas was a Major Sholto Douglas. When he was taking off from a French aerodrome he crashed into a horse and was injured. After he recovered he flew over to Ireland and landed in the Phoenix park. At this time it was only a few months after th 1916 rising. Sholto picked the aerodromes to go in Collinstown,Balldonnel and Aldergrove and a few more in Fermoy and at the Curragh. The RNAS set up bases at Johnstown castle in Wexford and Malahide castle, North of Dulin from which airships patrolled the Irish sea. From 1917 the United States Navy air arm operated flying boats and kite balloons from stations at Wexford, Cork harbour,Bantry Bay and Lough Foyle manned a total of 3.000 personnel. It had been intended that the Americans would take over all the anti-submarine aerial operations off the Irish coast, but before they became fully operational the armstice had not been signed. O 1st of April 1918 the RFC and the RNAs amalgamated to become teh Rotyal Air Force